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KS 1-2  KS  3-4
KS  2-3 Core
Core (adaptable to all ages)
KS 1-2
KS 2-3
KS  3-4

How many people?

An activity for KS2 that is based around the landmark of the world population reaching 7 billion and what that might mean for us all.

Unpacking your backpack

This activity uses the idea of a backpack to engage in thinking critically about where our ideas, values, attitudes and assumptions come from. It is the key activity for using all of the Time 2 Think resources and introduces the main underlying principles.

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from Lifeworlds Learning
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Living side by side

This activity uses the picture book The Bad Tempered Ladybird as a stimulus for thinking about sharing and people's differing attitudes to living side by side with others.

Teaching Resources


Welcome to the Time 2 Think teaching resources. We will add to these as new content is developed and submitted. Browse below for a summary of each resource and click the title of each to access the full resource and any supporting materials. The buttons to the right provide a quick-link to the relevant key stage.


Who is responsible for climate change?

An activity for KS3 and above that uses different sets of national data as a stimulus to thinking about responsibility as it relates to climate change.

Our world's water

A KS2 activity that allows learners to think about the importance of water in our world and their relationship to this vital shared resource.

What are my values?

A KS2/3 activity that enables learners to better understand and think about their own values and how they influence their lives.

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What is a crisis?

A KS2/3 activity that explore the idea of a crisis and supports learners to think about their own experience of crises and how they might respond.


Feeling at home

A KS1 activity that helps younger learners to think about the idea of 'home' through exploring animals and their habitats.


We Are All Born Free

A KS2 activity that uses the Amnesty International book 'We Are All Born Free' to help learners think about human rights. What are their rights and how would they feel if they were denied them?

2 Time    Time    Time    from Lifeworlds Learning